Hi there!
My name is Jenny, and I'm 30 years old. I'm sitting here right now, writing these first words about myself. It feels like the first step toward you!

My deepest wish has always been to feel fully. Whether it was in school or at work, my emotions have always been my greatest guide.
The hardest moments were those when I was always seen as "the emotional one," the one who would cry, the one who buried her anger and frustration because something always felt off.
The way systems work doesn’t serve us if we give in to fear, and that can be depleting. I stood up against that—against society—and it made me feel numb, ignorant, and disconnected.

It took many years of discipline, practice, and trust for everything to be revealed in its time. And now, here I am, starting my own business to set myself free.

For most of my life, I've worked seasonal jobs, using the rest of the year’s income to invest in classes and courses. Until I found this community and opportunity, I didn’t know where else to invest.
Now I’m investing in myself, building a foundation that will be long-lasting.

I'm taking this step as I want to live in alignment with my own flow, diving deeper with embodiment practices, living a slow life in nature and travel.

If you want to take these steps towards yourself, you are invited to join me.
I am here with you!

Invited by


Hi there!
My name is Jenny, and I'm 30 years old. I'm sitting here right now, writing these first words about myself. It feels like the first step toward you!

My deepest wish has always been to feel fully. Whether it was in school or at work, my emotions have always been my greatest guide.
The hardest moments were those when I was always seen as "the emotional one," the one who would cry, the one who buried her anger and frustration because something always felt off.
The way systems work doesn’t serve us if we give in to fear, and that can be depleting. I stood up against that—against society—and it made me feel numb, ignorant, and disconnected.

It took many years of discipline, practice, and trust for everything to be revealed in its time. And now, here I am, starting my own business to set myself free.

For most of my life, I've worked seasonal jobs, using the rest of the year’s income to invest in classes and courses. Until I found this community and opportunity, I didn’t know where else to invest.
Now I’m investing in myself, building a foundation that will be long-lasting.

I'm taking this step as I want to live in alignment with my own flow, diving deeper with embodiment practices, living a slow life in nature and travel.

If you want to take these steps towards yourself, you are invited to join me.
I am here with you!

MEET YOUR HOSTS: Lianne & Rebecca

When the pandemic hit, we realised that life is too short to wait for those 3 weeks of vacations per year. We both share a huge passion for travel & exploring our beautiful planet. 

With an open mindset to learn, with the curiosity to out-grow our comfort zones, and with team work, we have now created a life to enjoy in every aspect: 
Using creative freedom and making new connections with like-minded souls who become business partners around the globe.

As co-founders of the Unfold your Freedom community, we have been dedicated for more than 3 years to make a difference in the world: Helping the planet with our passion for sustainability, and helping others to change their lives by working online. 


When the pandemic hit, we both realised that life is too short to wait for those 3 weeks of vacations per year. And this is how we first connected as business partners, because we share a huge passion for travel & exploring our beautiful planet. 

With an open mindset to learn, with the curiosity to out-grow our comfort zones, and with team work, we have now created a life to enjoy in every aspect: 
Using creative freedom and making new connections with like-minded souls who become business partners around the globe.

As co-founders of the Unfold your Freedom community, we have been dedicated for more than 3 years to make a difference in the world: Helping the planet with our passion for sustainability, and helping others to change their lives by working online. 

Lianne & Rebecca

We do it different. We make a difference.
Everyone talks about working online nowadays, right? We know that jobs don’t provide the flexibility many of us want and that e-commerce is the future, but what almost nobody knows it that your environment is one of the most important factors to make the change happen successfully. 

So no matter what you have tried before or if you‘re ready to start off now: the people you spend your time with are - next to the skills - a crucial element towards more success, discipline, direction and speed when it comes to stepping into an independent career. 

Watch our free webinar to meet a community of digital nomads and learn about the 3 pillars we use to build a business online 🌏 

Want to learn how to do the same?

So what exactly will you learn in this webinar?

You will learn about the 3 key pillars that we have used to build a social media marketing business online with no previous experience - and how you can do the same!

Plus, bonus sections offering:

How a social media business allows you to escape your 9-5 routine & spend your time doing what you love

How to join our thriving online community of 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs, who host live calls every week to assist you in your business

How to get a risk-free trial on the same online education platform & high converting offers that we used to launch our business from scratch 

Here's the 3 key pillars you can expect to learn about:

Product Partnerships

How working with the right & conscious partnerships help you create a financial source with no income cap. Get access to the training & strategies to learn new skills!

Social Media Marketing

How social media advertising & attraction marketing will allow you to attract people you naturally connect with. No involvement of your friends & family, and no ‘sliding into your DMs'


How implementing successful online systems & strategies will help you to create a true freedom business. Automated systems do the work for you in the background - this is where your time leverage comes in! 

Ready to get started ?


Rebecca Sauer 

This training is for you, if you want to:

use Online Marketing & Social Media Advertising to start and scale a business 

replace your corporate income and quit your job to be 
in control of your earnings & schedule

explore more & work from anywhere in the world, fully independent 

create meaningful connections with people who become friends & business partners across the globe

level up, learn new skills, grow personally & step into your full potential as an online entrepreneur

make a positive impact, helping others and the planet 

return to a healthy state of life-work balance, in all areas

Unfold your freedom

The mentorship & training within our community allows anyone with an open mindset to learn the needed skills in Marketing & Sales to start a Business online. 
New starters do not only get the opportunity to expand their knowledge and implement automated processes, but will also find all tools to grow into their best versions, to cooperate with meaningful partnerships and to make global friendships with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Our vision is to empower people from all over the world to create a life that they don’t need a vacation from. Whether that means traveling the world fulltime, or having the time & energy to be more present & connected with family, or giving back to the world - we all come form different paths of life, and we all have similar yet unique visions of what freedom can mean! 

The video below shows some of the members of our UYF community, sharing what freedom means to them. Everyone has the ability to create this freedom for themselves, it’s just a matter of whether you are willing or not to take the steps to change your life! 

Here's what others say about the training platform & community 

"I was dreaming about a digital nomad lifestyle and didn’t want to stay in the ‘9-5’ for any longer, but I had no idea how to start at all. Since joining Unfold your freedom, I feel understood, supported & aligned with the business. I am not only working location free now, also I am building a sustainable business while helping others, which is so fulfilling!"  
- LINDA, Belgium
"Since we started our online business, we continuously stepped out of our comfort zone which helped us grow as individuals. As a bonus, we get to know like-minded individuals & establish new friendships. Today, we are less driven by social constraints and live a life more aligned with our core values." 

"The main transformation was a change in my mindset. Now, I am open to try new things, I see possibilities and think OUTSIDE the F'ing box. I’m more confident and have a clear vision of my values. I’m more energised because I invest into myself, my growth and have friends around the world. 
- MATHIJS, the Netherlands

Are you ready to make a change in your life too?

Are you ready to make a change in your life too?

The 3 key pillars you can expect to learn about in our free webinar:

Product Partnerships

You don't need to have your own products, because there are many partnerships with companies offered, designed for the job we do! Online Marketing and Social Media Advertising.

Social Media Marketing

You'll learn how to professionally run advertisements to attract the right people for your products & offers.
No need to have many followers or involving your family & friends .


Work smart - not hard. 
We want the time freedom right? So this is where automated systems help. Because if you'd have to do every step manually - there would be an income cap. 

Ready to get started ?

Curious to get more insights?

See what happens behind the next step, what other members are saying and how everyday people learn from each other and grow together to realise their dreams of an independent business online

This training is for you if you want to: 

use Online Marketing & Social Media Advertising to start and scale a business 

replace your corporate income and quit your job to be 
in control of your earnings & schedule

explore more & work from anywhere in the world, fully independent 

connect with ambitious people who become friends & business partners across the globe

level up, learn new skills, grow personally & step into your full potential as an online entrepreneur

make a positive impact, by helping others and the planet 

return to a healthy life-work balance with mental, physical and financial freedom
The mentorship & training within our community allows anyone with an open mindset to learn the needed skills in Marketing & Sales to start a Business online. 
Newstarters do not only get the opportunity to expand their knowledge and implement automated processes, but will also find all tools to grow into their best versions, to cooperate with meaningful partnerships and to make global friendships with like-minded entrepreneurs.

 Our vision is to empower people from all over the world to create a career that adapts to their life, not the other way around. Whether that means traveling the world, or having the time & energy to be more present with your family, or giving back in social projects! 

Here's what others say about the
 training platform & community 

"I was dreaming about a digital nomad lifestyle and didn’t want to stay in the ‘9-5’ for any longer, but I had no idea how to start at all. Since joining Unfold your freedom, I feel understood, supported & aligned with the business. I am not only working location free now, also I am building a sustainable business while helping others, which is so fulfilling!"  
- LINDA, Belgium
"Since we started our online business, we continuously stepped out of our comfort zone which helped us grow as individuals. As a bonus, we get to know like-minded individuals & establish new friendships. Today, we are less driven by social constraints and live a life more aligned with our core values." 
"The main transformation was a change in my mindset. Now, I am open to try new things, I see possibilities and think OUTSIDE the F'ing box. I’m more confident and have a clear vision of my values. I’m more energised because I invest into myself, my growth and have friends around the world. 
- MATHIJS, the Netherlands
Are you ready to transform your life too?

Curious to get more insights?

See what happens behind the next step, what other members are saying and how everyday people learn from each other and grow together to realise their dreams of an independent business online

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Copyright © Unfold your Freedom. All Rights Reserved 2023